2014 Collings SoCo LC 1959 Faded Crimson on Sale

This beautiful Collings SoCo finished in an 1959 Faded Crimson is just filled with tone. Â We re all super impressed with the Collings electrics and this guitar is no exception. Â This guitar is loaded with a great set of Throbak 101 pickups that really sound amazing in this guitar. Â She ships in her OHSC.
Weight – 7lbs 5oz
Neck Measures .865 at the 1st fret and .984 at the 12th fret.
From Collings – Â
SoCo LCNamed after the vibrant and eclectic South Congress district of Austin, TX,The SoCo LC combines some of the most well-loved features and sounds from theheritage of semi-hollow guitars with a distinctive look and feel all its own. A 15 lowerbout gives this SoCo a comfortable, well balanced feel and exceptional note
articulation. The single-cutaway body design makes for greater mass and contact with the neck joint, providing solid low-end response and a resonance you can feel throughout the instrument.